atlantic tripletail caught

Tripletail Fish — How to Catch Lobotes surinamensis

If there’s one thing for certain, the tripletail fish has a unique-looking set of fins. This guide will explain why we think it’s special and how you can catch more of them. Listen to more fishing tips on the Cast & Spear Podcast Overview Also known as blackfish, black grunt, buoy fish, conchy leaf, and

how to catch tautog

Tautog Fish: How to Catch Tautoga onitis

Are you ready to catch Tautog, otherwise known as the Togzilla? This fish is fun to catch on a wide variety of jigs. We’ll help you determine what will work for your next outing. Let’s dive in! Listen to more fishing tips on the Cast & Spear Podcast Overview Also known as the blackfish fish,

how to catch tilefish

The Different Types of Tilefish and How To Catch Them

Tilefish are a fun fish to catch by dropping a lead weight down with some dropper loops and bait. But, before you go out, it’s helpful to understand the different types that are waiting for you. That’s why we put together this quick guide to help you identify a few of the different species of

how to catch tarakihi

How to Catch Tarakihi — A Fishing Guide

The tarakihi is loved by both commercial and recreational fishermen and belongs to the Cheilodactylidae family. It is quite common off the coast of New Zealand around the south of East Cape, South Island, as well as around southern Australia and South America. Recommended Fishing Gear: Overview Also known as the jackass morwong, the tarakihi

how to catch crawdads

How to Catch Crawfish — A Guide

Do you want to learn how to catch crawfish to make your own boil? These freshwater lobsters can also be used as bait to catch smallmouth bass and other aggressive fish. In this guide, you’ll learn all you need to know about catching crawfish using traps and how it differs from crayfish. Recommended Crawfish Gear:

how to catch spiny lobster

How to Catch Pacific Lobster (California Spiny)

  My favorite time of the year is pacific lobster season here in Southern California, especially in San Diego. Growing up in a household that loves lobster, I was shocked that we actually have one of the best-tasting kinds in our own backyard. Catching the spiny lobster isn’t super easy, though, especially if you freedive

How to catch spadefish

Spadefish — How to Catch Chaetodipterus faber

The spadefish is a fun sport fish to target due to its powerful fighting abilities. They’re hard to miss with their beautiful black vertical bars on the side. They are especially good on the grill or smoker. Recommended Fishing Gear: Listen to more fishing tips on the Cast & Spear Podcast Overview Also known as

how to catch snakehead fish

Snakehead Fish — How to Catch Channidae

The snakehead fish has been causing a bunch of problems in Georgia and other states. It’s an invasive species and wreaks havoc on the native populations. There are many species of this fish. The two that are causing the most problems in the US are the Northern Snakehead fish Channa argus and the bullseye snakehead

milkfish in india

Milkfish — How to Catch Chanos chanos

Fly fishing is the best way to catch milkfish. These species are fierce fighters, so use a 9 to 12-weight rod and a saltwater reel. The reel should be smooth, offer reliable drag, a floating tropical line, and a 20-lb tapered leader. To increase the chances of catching milkfish, use bait, a fishing roe and

how to catch paddlefish

Paddlefish — How to Catch Polyodon spathula

Paddlefish Polyodon spathula is an ancient fish that looks like something out of Jurassic Park. The two most common ones that come to mind are the American paddlefish and the Chinese paddlefish. Unfortunately, it’s believed that the Chinese paddlefish is extinct due to a host of reasons including human encroachment to their habitat and pollution.

how to catch ladyfish

Ladyfish — How to Catch Elops saurus

My guess is that you’re not going to head out on the water for the day just to catch ladyfish Elops saurus. Anglers often ask, can you eat ladyfish? Just check out some of the YouTube videos and you’ll see why most people would rather spit it out than throw it down the hatch. However,

John Dory fish

How To Catch John Dory (Zeus faber)

Are you interested in learning how to catch John Dory? The John Dory fish has a unique yellow eyespot on their side that looks like a massive eye which they use as camouflage. In this article, we compile research and best practices for how to catch this unique fish. Although John Dory is quite ugly,

hybrid striped bass fishing tips

How To Catch Hybrid Striped Bass — A Fishing Guide

Fishing for hybrid striped bass doesn’t have to be complicated. We like to keep it simple by using a good old Carolina rig with some live bait. However, there are many ways to catch this crossed-striped bass. One thing is for sure, they taste great! Recommended Bass Fishing Gear: Overview Many anglers wonder how to

scup fish on structure

Scup Fish (Porgy) — How to Catch the Stenotomus chrysops

Scup, or as they are usually called, a porgy, are a fun fish to catch and bring home for dinner. Commercial and recreational fishermen have been told for what feels like generations that this fish is boney and doesn’t make for good table fare. However, if you have had a chance to fillet one, you’ll

how to catch haddock

Haddock — How to Catch Melanogrammus aeglefinus

Haddock melanogrammus aeglefinus is a fun fish to target by drifting in your boat over some structure. Whether you’re in the United Kingdom, Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, or your local watering hole, this haddock fishing should be on your goal. Plus, if you’ve seen the recipes for haddock, you already know it’s a solid