how to clean lobster

How to Clean Lobster (Step by Step Guide)

A cooked lobster is super-delicious. But the real work lies in cleaning a whole lobster to remove the meat. My first time handling a live lobster was pretty scary and challenging. I kept thinking, how in the world am I supposed to get through the massive lobster’s body, exoskeleton, and claws to access the meat?

how to read a tide chart

How to Read a Tide Chart

Tide is a factor that affects professional and recreational activities on the ocean. This is why it is important to know how to read a tide chart if you are a fisherman, angler, mariner, or coastal hiker. Knowing what tide heights to expect will help you to plan your trip properly in order to ensure

how to bleed a fish

How to Bleed a Fish

Bleeding fish is a practice that beginner and experienced anglers and fishermen should master. Bleeding your freshly caught fish (both freshwater and saltwater fish) will not only make it maintain its freshness but also produces the best tasting fish fillets. Just like every procedure in fishing, there are important steps to follow to bleed fish

how to clean blue crabs

How To Clean Blue Crabs

For a long time, I have been tossing live crabs into a large pot of boiling water to cook. As a result, I had a lot of mess to deal with at the dinner table. This made me hate cooked crabs, although I loved eating them. With time, however, I discovered that, like most people,

how to clean trout

How To Clean Trout

After a long day of fishing, your efforts have paid off, and you’ve come out with a load of fresh trout. The first thing that is likely to cross your mind is, ‘now is the time to enjoy the fruits of my hard labor.’ But, before your trout gets into the frying pan, it needs

how to tell if sunglasses are polarized

How To Tell If Sunglasses Are Polarized

If you love fishing or boating, especially on a sunny day, ensure that you have a pair of polarized sunglasses. When sunlight hits a highly reflective surface like open water, the light bounces back to your eyes. The result is strained eyes and compromised vision. Wearing polarized sunglasses helps to protect your eyes from the

barometric pressure and fishing

Understanding Barometric Pressure and Fishing

In this article, we will discuss the relationship between barometric pressure and fishing, highlighting the best conditions for catching fish. What is Barometric Pressure? For most anglers, checking the weather forecast entails looking out for conditions like wind, rainfall, and temperature. In doing this, they typically ignore the barometric pressure. Oftentimes than not, this is

boating terms

Boating Terms Every Boater Should Know

Like every sporting activity and profession, boating has its own jargon and lingo. This refers to the boating terms that are used by boaters when they are navigating their vessel on the water. Knowing what these boating terms mean will enable you to communicate better with other boaters, helping you sound like an expert. In

what should you always do when a person falls overboard

What Should You Always Do When A Person Falls Overboard

As a boat owner, the most important thing on every boating trip is the safety of everyone onboard. The best form of boating safety is to prevent the unwanted scenario of someone falling overboard. However, it is best to know what to do in an emergency if a person falls overboard. In this article, we

shaky head rig

Shaky Head Rig

Anglers of all skill levels have a preferred bait when the going gets rough. Not every day is guaranteed to have a full icebox, stringer, or premier fishing conditions. In fact, some of the best fishing days start out slow and unproductive, requiring some critical thinking as well as trial and error. Unconventional techniques, new

best fishing apps

The 10 Best Fishing Apps of 2023

A.N.G.L.R. tops our list of the best fishing applications of 2023. You can log your information into the system to track your previous catches and where you retrieved them. Moreover, this app lets you know your location, the time of the day, and baits and lures ideal for fishing in that specific spot. It can

mud minnow

Mud Minnows: Everything You Should Know

A wide variety of saltwater live bait is available at bait shops and tackle stores. While shrimp and crab are often touted as some of the most successful beats for redfish, trout, and flounder, the mud minnow is often overlooked.  These bottom swimming minnows are easily found in bait stores and can be caught in

how to hold a catfish

How To Hold a Catfish Properly

Catfish are one of the most commonly angled fish in the United States. Not only are these bottom feeders delicious to eat, but they can also be incredibly fun to catch. With species weighing more than 100 pounds, these fish make up the staple of a variety of seafood dishes throughout the culinary world.  Ranging

pickled fish

Easy Pickled Fish Recipe

Pickle fish is a sweet and spicy traditional South African recipe prepared primarily during Easter. However, the love for this nutritious meal has now spread worldwide, and many people love it. Pickling is a 2-step curing process whereby the fish is first soaked in a salt brine solution and then in a strong pickling solution,

how to catch sand fleas

How to Catch Sand Fleas (Sand Crabs)

Sand fleas (also known as sand crabs) are excellent bait for most fish species, including surf perch and various croakers. Moreover, they are readily available all over the beach. You will find sand fleas in colonies in wet sand. In this article, I will take you through a simple step-by-step guide on how to catch

bobber fishing

Bobber Fishing: Guide and Tips

It’s often incorrectly assumed that bobbers are for novices or little kids. One of the most effective ways for locating large fish in a variety of environments is there’s always a place for bobbers in any angler’s tackle box. Whether jigging for crappy, fluke fishing for salmon or fishing with the slip bobber for walleye